Creating a Family Resource

Worker Jena Williams recently met with Dawn Davenport from creating a family and what an awesome opportunity it was to come together to share resources and discuss supporting adoptive families.

Creating a Family’s mission is to provide support to adoptive and foster families through services such as online courses and trainings, podcasts, articles, , and more! They see the importance of adoption and foster families continuing to learn about adoption and parenting even after finalization.

Two of the top training / podcasts that Dawn recommends:

Raising Resilient Kids -

In this course, we talk with Dr. Ken Ginsburg, the Co-Founder and Director of Programs at the Center for Parent and Teen Communications, a Professor of Pediatrics at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and The University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, and author of Building Resilience in Children and Teens and Raising Kids to Thrive.

First Six Months with a Baby with Opioid Exposure - Creating a Family

Are you considering adopting or fostering a baby who was exposed to opioids prenatally? We talk with Dr. Robin Gurwitch, a faculty member in the Duke University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Center for Child and Family Health. Her research focuses on improving the outcomes and increasing resilience in children who have experienced trauma, including prenatal exposure.

There is so much to learn and to explore on their website including 12 free trainings. Other topics include: Foster care education & support nonprofit, provides trauma-informed & expert-based resources on domestic infant adoption, foster care adoption, international adoption, adopting a baby exposed to opiates, adopting a relative from abroad, fostering/foster parent resources, embryo donation/adoption, attachment, transracial adoption, and more!

"Do not be afraid that the love of your adopted child won't be the same. It is not true that you are missing out if you adopt rather than having children through birth." - Dawn Davenport

Meaghan Lane