To My Waiting Children

To My Waiting Child(ren)…

Guest post from one of our Waiting Child Adoption Families pursuing Foster Care Adoption

To my waiting child(ren)-
As I pray you home, my heart aches to know you. Everyday I walk by the empty room we have waiting for you. We haven’t decorated it - we’re saving that for you to be able to make it YOUR space.  I never knew an empty bed and dresser could create such a void in our home. Until now, even with all we went through to have your sisters, I never knew how much I was capable of missing a person I’d never met. 
More than anything, as your mom I hate that right now you’re somehow not okay and there is nothing I can do to make it better. Nothing in my physical power. We are longing for you to be home with us. While I wait I walk into your room daily and pray.

I pray for God to bring you home to us quickly. I pray protection over you and pray you know that you are loved, wanted and have a purpose. 

While you’re waiting we’re waiting with our hearts wide open in anticipation to envelop you into the folds of our family.

Oh my precious child- we’re waiting.

Your Momma in waiting.

Meaghan Lane