Pregnancy & Adoption Support

Pregnancy & Adoption Support

Adoption is a lifelong journey. Let us walk with you.



Licensed. Ethical. Reputable.

Since 1947, Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington Pregnancy and Adoption Support has served communities in Northern Virginia. We are committed to providing transformative adoption training, counseling, and support, and pregnancy resources to those whose lives are impacted by unplanned pregnancy, parenting in a crisis situation and/or whose lives have been touched by adoption.


Our Services



Are you interested in growing your family through adoption?

Deciding to adopt is the first big step.  Figuring out where to go from there can feel overwhelming.  We encourage families to explore adoption programs and find a provider that they are comfortable working with: a provider who communicates clear values, ethical adoption practices and who are transparent with their clients.  We want you to have a clear understanding of the adoption process and realistic expectations so that we can best prepare you for this journey.  

Our adoption services at Catholic Charities focus on providing transformative services to individuals, families and communities through adoption support, education, and outstanding adoption services.  We offer adoption programs for: 



Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be scary. There is so much to consider, and no option seems to be an easy or painless one. The truth is being a parent is hard. As a parent, you need to decide what you believe is best for you and the child that you are carrying. Whatever you choose, your choice will impact you for the rest of your life, so be sure to learn about your options before you decide. You don’t have to figure this out alone- talk to a trusted friend or family member or call or text us anytime at 703-973-0129 to speak confidentially and for free with one of our friendly, certified pregnancy counselors.

I’m proud of myself for choosing adoption for my son. I knew he needed more than I could give him at that time in my life and Catholic Charities helped me to evaluation my options and make a plan. Now, since I picked a family who wanted to have an open adoption with me, he has all the love of his birth family and his adoptive family- what a lucky kid!

- Monica

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“Lord, keep Your grace in my heart. Live in me so that Your grace be mine. Make it that I may bear every day some flowers and new fruit.”

