Our Fight for Conscience Protections in the VA 2021 General Assembly

Meaghan Lane, Program Director, opposing HB 1051 in the 2020 General Assembly.  The bill was killed in subcommittee thanks to the outpouring of opposition from adoption advocates.

Meaghan Lane, Program Director, opposing HB 1051 in the 2020 General Assembly. The bill was killed in subcommittee thanks to the outpouring of opposition from adoption advocates.

HB 1932, sponsored by Delegate Levine, seeks to remove conscience protections for foster care and adoption agencies in VA. This same Delegate tried to push a similar bill last year which we were able to defeat after filling the subcommittee with foster and adoptive children, families and advocates standing for faith based agencies. Sadly, the dynamics in the House are much different this year and we cannot be physically present to voice our concern as everything is being done virtually. Through some alarming and unprecedented measures, the bill passed on the House floor on Wednesday.

We are currently in a short legislative session, which means things are happening quickly. Now that the bill has moved over to the Senate, we have the chance to present this to Senators on both sides of the aisle, as they have not heard this bill yet.

One of the most powerful things I learned last year as I ran around Richmond for 2 weeks meeting with as many legislators I could was how much they care about their constituents support and opposition. I saw their legislative aids counting the number of constituents in favor or opposed to our bill. When we met with them earlier this year, they remembered what a response they got on this bill. Your voice really does matter to your Senator. Contact Your Senator Today! to oppose this legislation which seeks to eliminate agencies of faith who uphold scriptural teachings regarding marriage and family.

What you need to know:

  • VA ranks 2nd to last among all 50 states in achieving permanency for children in foster care

  • Faith based providers make up about 10-15% of private licensed child placing agencies (LCPA) in VA

  • Anyone who wants to adopt in VA may do so

  • LCPA’s recruit, train and approve families to be provided as OPTIONS for placements. Options for: Birth parents, International Placing Agencies, Interstate Placing agencies, and DSS foster care workers

We need to increase - not decrease - children's opportunities to be placed with safe and loving families, including families that choose to work with faith-based agencies that share their beliefs. A diverse range of providers with a diversity of beliefs can best serve a diverse range of children and prospective parents ensures there are enough families answering that call. Pushing faith based agencies out of being part of the solution will only decrease the number of children who are adopted.

Virginia should continue to embrace the valuable, considerable and vital work of faith-based providers among the diverse array of adoption and foster care providers who are all working to help children. Virginia should also embrace the decisions of birthparents who choose faith-based providers due to shared beliefs. Please contact your Senator and ask them to oppose this harmful legislation.

Meaghan Lane